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Many of our customers might not realise that we have a fantastic promotion currently running offering a ladder exchange. This excellent deal will give a discount of 10% off new ladders when you trade in your old ladders or steps right up until the end of May.

Whether you are a trade or DIY customer of Zig Zag Access, not only can you purchase a set of cheap ladders in Leeds but you can also qualify for this generous discount with a trade in. It means you can dispose of your old ladders without having to visit the local tip and get a real monetary benefit in the process. A real win -win!

If you are not sure if your ladders need replacing, here are a few possible safety issues to look out for…

  • If you are using old wooden ladders it is likely that these no longer meet the current safety requirements in the UK. The good news is that you can trade these in with our Ladder exchange, giving 10% off new ladders in Leeds that are certified to BSEN 131 as standard.
  • Check your metal ladders to make sure there aren’t any big dents or buckles in the stiles. Any damage here could compromise your safety, and could cause the ladder to collapse. Make sure that you check for any visible splits too.
  • It is worth getting into a regular routine of checking the rungs on your ladders. If they are damaged, loose, split or bent, then again the ladder should be replaced.
  • One area that is often missed is the feet of a leaning ladder; this is essential to the stability of the ladder, so check to see if there are any damaged, badly worn or missing feet.
  • If you have stepladders then you should ensure that the locking mechanism is still working correctly. It is also essential that the platform is not damaged in any way as this could cause a collapse or make the structure unstable.
  • As with the leaning ladder, step ladder stiles and treads should be checked regularly for damage and loose fixings. It is also essential to check for any substances that may make the step surface slippery.

So if the above health and safety checks have thrown up any glaring problems in your equipment, why not take advantage of Ladder exchange 10% off new ladders in Leeds?

Don’t keep this offer to yourself, spread the word …… The Ladder Exchange; offering cheap ladders Leeds and beyond!